This week we were busy planting potatoes (all 500 lbs of them...300 lbs more than last year) and onions (about 2,000 in the ground so far). In between planting we weeded our crop of raspberries. The young plants are doing well this spring and we can't wait to harvest raspberries for the first of many years to come.
The season is in full swing and one can already see that we have expanded quite a bit this year. The greenhouse tables are already full of flats of seedlings and we have to make at least 8 more tables to accommodate all the flats left table-less at the moment. We are also growing on 2 more acres of land this year (making the total acreage a little less than 5) and we planted the onions and a few potatoes in this new ground. It has been farmed organically the past 3 years so we are hopeful that it will do well for us.
The tasks are mounting up and the anticipation of fresh picked veggies is making for an exciting Spring. Plus our Organic Certification application is being processed and we are being inspected at the end of the month. Hopefully, we will be able to label our produce as Certified Organic by the first market!