May started off well for us in that we got just over 1 inch of rain. Not too much, not too little. Perfect for our spinach, snap peas, and potatoes pictured above. The plants in the ground should really take off now and we'll be harvesting by the end of the month! We have tiny carrot, beet, salad mix, chard, cilantro, dill, radish and turnip seedlings coming up in our direct seeded beds. Our sweet potato slips came in the mail and got planted just before the rain so they should be off to a good start, all 500 of them! We have begun the spring Brassica planting and have all the kale in the ground. Next up, kohlrabi, cabbage and broccoli. Before seedlings get planted they have to harden off. We move them out of the greenhouse for a few days so that they can adjust to the direct sun and all the wind before we plant them in the field. Pictured above are Brassicas and flowers hardening off. Now, hopefully we will have a few days without rain so we can get these plants planted! The tomatoes pictured our going to be planted in our hoop house to get a jump start and hopefully be ready a few weeks earlier then usual.
Thanks for the update. I'm starting to get hungry for all those yummy veggies!