Last Thursday was our CSA member fieldwalk. Fortunately the thunderstorm that blew through minutes before everyone arrived did not dump much rain on us. And we were rewarded with this view of a rainbow.
With cooperative weather the last couple of weeks we've run through a lot of our planting that had been piling up.

Now the greenhouse is pretty much done for the year. Of course we do still have fall broccoli to plant.

In the fields the peppers are just beginning to grow. Within a month we'll have to stake and tie up these guys because they get so heavy with peppers that they will fall over in a thunderstorm. At the same time as the peppers, tomatoes and eggplants are just beginning to produce, we are also seeding fall crops.

Under the white fabric row cover we've got a type of rutabaga that we're trying this year. We also seeded some sweet corn in this field. I know that everyone around here probably will think we are crazy for seeding it so late, but we just haven't been able to work up enough of the fields until now to get it planted. We'll put it on drip irrigation and we should have corn in mid-September.We haven't really grown much sweet corn the last couple of years because we really don't have the space to grow enough of it for the CSA and/or market, but we were determined to get some planted this year.
Finally after all of the harvest and CSA preparation was done yesterday I looked in the cooler at our air conditioner that we've modified to cool our homemade walk-in cooler down into the thirties (here's a
link for more info on the coolbot that allows us to do this) and it was completely frozen over!

This is a nightmare situation for us because it means that suddenly the cooler won't get any colder than 65 degrees which is much too warm. After a couple of hours of manually defrosting the air conditioner every twenty minutes with the fan and/or a blow drier, I finally found the loose connection and was able to get it fixed in time to get to bed before midnight!