We've learned that one shouldn't make prognostications when farming, but I'll go out on a limb and say that we're looking forward to a good tomato season on the farm. You can see that they are starting to go from green to red.

We've been harvesting sungold cherry tomatoes and Juliette saladette tomatoes (the smaller tomatoes are usually the first to ripen). They are definitely a treat at this point in the season and the sungold tomatoes are so fragile (shortly after a rain I've watched them split while carrying them up to the barn!) that you probably won't find them anyplace except directly from a farmer who grows them.

As you can see we've been busy tying up the tomatoes to keep their vines off the ground in an attempt to keep the plants healthy. Pretty soon though we're going to run out of stake to tie up the plants.

Meanwhile the chickens keep laying their eggs though they definitely don't like the hot weather. Egg production will drop a bit in hot weather (since we don't have an air conditioned coop) because the chickens don't like to eat as much when it is hot outside. In this picture our very helpful intern Ali is carrying the eggs from the coop to the barn where we will box them up and put them in the fridge.

In the flower field Lisianthus is just beginning to bloom. This delicate flower is enjoyed by Emily and the bees alike.

The barn is also finished being painted. We've had the barn fixed (there were some rotten timbers that resulted from a missing ro0f), a new roof put on, and had the barn painted by Jim Wilson. He's a carpenter who specializes in historic preservation and timber frame buildings, and we certainly like what he's done with the barn. Every farm needs a good barn and now we're happy to show off ours.

Finally, the sun sets and moon rises on another week at Mile Creek Farm.
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