We always try to get Evan to eat new vegetables as they come into season. This week we pulled our onion crop so he set about to learn how to eat an onion. Apparently they are best when shaken...

Then enjoyed raw and muddy.

After his onion snack Evan could help me unload a tiller that we bought. It became evident this spring that we needed a bigger, heavier tiller to prepare the ground more quickly between rains. So we finally received the tiller that was ordered back in June. I knew that the semi wouldn't make it into our driveway so I backed our pickup truck up to the semi and slid the 700 pound tiller down a homemade ramp into the pickup bed. All went well and after a couple of days of set-up and adjustments I was working some ground this morning.

By the afternoon we had flowers planted in the ground that I had just worked! Apparently we just can't plant enough flowers. This picture was snapped at 10AM at our Saturday Market.

This picture was taken at 11AM on the same Saturday. Each bouquet needs to be wrapped after being sold so Emily was busy during that hour.
Finally here's a picture that you won't often see in Ohio. Corn on driptape! Since we didn't get our corn planted until mid-July we need to be able to help it through the hot and dry August days.
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