Writing on the final day of August is somewhat bittersweet. With a couple more ninety degree days this week we're definitely ready for cooler temps. At the same time the summer heat brings on tomatoes, beans, and other crops that we like to grow. Fields around the farm reflect both the end and the height of our season.

This was where we had a number of our potatoes. All of the potatoes are out of the field and in deep storage in the cooler. To store potatoes for an extended length of time you need to let them fully dry off after harvest. Then box them up without washing them. Then they need to be stored in a dark, humid cooler that stays above 40 degrees. So, when we need potatoes for the CSA or for market we remove boxes from the cooler and wash and bag the potatoes. At least it is easier than digging them up each time we need potatoes!

Other crops, such as beans are actively producing now and we've got to be out there in the field every couple of days harvesting them. Picking beans is a unique skill because it has to be done as quickly as possible; while, at the same time, it needs to be done thoroughly so that mature beans are not left on the plants. We've got another planting of beans that should mature in a couple of weeks, but the bugs have really gone to town on them and we're just crossing our fingers that we'll still get something out of the planting.

Evan is hoping that we get a fall crop of raspberries. So far he is by himself pretty much keeping up with what the plants produce! In fact, though he likes to pick tomatoes and beans, raspberries are the only crop that he actually likes to eat directly from the plants.
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