Even though a few cool nights (it was in the forties when we got up on Sunday morning) have begun to slow down the tomato plants we are getting another great week of heirloom tomatoes.

We like to do two plantings of heirlooms so that we can have them longer into September, but it didn't happen because of the wet weather this spring so we are still relying on our first planting.
It is dry, dry, dry right now at the farm. So we've been watering whenever possible. The well is just starting to show some signs of fatigue since it really hasn't rained since mid-July, but we are pumping out what we can to try to grow some fall lettuce for our customers.

The sweet corn is on drip irrigation so it is nice and green and almost, almost ready.

It is great having a late crop of sweet corn that will be appreciated even more because there isn't much local sweet corn around now. Elsewhere on the farm we have a very different corn growing: broom corn.

This is an ornamental corn (though you could make a broom out of it if you really wanted to) that Emily will use in her fall bouquets.

Even though the flowers are slowing down with the shorter days there are still lots of zinnias to cut. This is a 200 foot long bed of zinnias planted in three rows that is only about half of the zinnias we have on the farm this season. Emily says that she wants even more next year!
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